Latest news

  • eDiversa Group joins the GetHub

    We have decided to join the GetHub (Gender Equality Tech Hub), an initiative powered by the Barcelona City Hall and coordinated by Allwomen, which groups Barcelona technological companies committed to gender equality.

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  • Girls in ICT

    Today, April 28th is the International Girls in ICT Day. This day aims to encourage new generations to study in order to work in the field of telecommunications, because it is a historically male sector.

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  • The first call for grants from the Kit digital program is here!

    The Government has started an aid program called the “Kit Digital” to improve corporate digitalization, aimed at SME and freelance workers. At eDiversa Group, with almost 20 years-experience implementing digitalization projects and specifically document management, we have enrolled in the program as Digitalizing Agents to offer our expertise to the beneficiaries of the Kit Digital.

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