Category / Public Administrations

  • QR Code in Invoice to Fight against Corporate Delinquencies

    Late payments are a significant problem that particularly affects small and medium-sized enterprises, which account for more than 90% of the businesses in various European countries. In order to address this issue and promote more transparent and efficient business practices, the European Union is moving forward with new legislation against late payments. One of the measures highlighted is the introduction of a QR code on invoices, both digital and paper.

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  • A new impulse for the Electronic Invoice

    If the publication of the Creation and Growth Law, at the end of 2022, was a take off point for the Electronic Invoice in Spain, this impulse will be reinforced by the implementation of Project ViDA (VAT in Digital Age).

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  • The Electronic Invoice will be mandatory in Spain

    The Council of Ministers has approved a bill that will affect all companies and freelancers in the country. It is the Law of Creation and Growth, which will come into force in the next months, and whose main objective is to boost production investment, innovation and modernization of companies.

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