The imminent entry into effect of the Create and Grow Law, which introduces the obligatory use of the Electronic Invoice by all companies and freelance, will be a major impulse to business digitalization.

Within this context, we are launching comeDifact, a new web which presents all the features of our new Electronic Invoice service and much more.

What will you find in comeDiFact?

The Electronic Invoice
We put you up to date on the revolution brought on by the Create and Grow Law (link) in regard to the Electronic Invoice and all the benefits that come from using it.

Our Electronic Invoice solutions
We’ll tell you everything we offer: from manual solutions for companies or freelance who exchange few invoices, to integrated solutions for companies with medium and high volumes.
Custom portals for clients and suppliers or the workflow to validate invoices received are some of the features of the service that will be explained on the web.

Plans adapted to every need
We have configured our manual solutions for small companies and freelance in economic packs that are easy and quick to contract online.

All scenarios
If your invoice exchange needs go beyond what we have told you, comeDiFact explains everything we can do for you. For both issuing and receiving scenarios, the complete management of all your invoices in a single multi-format and multi-channel platform.

Solving doubts
If you still have questions on any aspect related to Electronic Invoices, we will be happy to resolve them.

Have you been looking forward to visiting the new web of reference in the framework of Electronic Invoicing? Don’t wait any longer: comeDiFact.